The art of arguing effectively

Arguing is an essential part of communication at times, as we often have to debate differing opinions to find solutions to problems. Yet there’s good and bad arguing. Effective arguing doesn’t need to involve reactiveness and confrontation. Arguing constructively is a learned skill and it’s one that involves being able to present your perspective, while also respecting others’ points of view.

If you’re not too sure how to argue productively check out this list of top 10 tips to help you master the fine art of arguing effectively.

Practice active listening

The most effective arguing always starts with active listening, so pay close attention to what the other person is saying. Resist the urge to interrupt or form an opinion prematurely and wait until they are done explaining before formulating your response. It’s important to show your human side, so express empathy by demonstrating that you acknowledge their feelings and concerns.

Stay cool and calm

Try and regulate your emotional responses, as if left unchecked, these can escalate arguments quickly. Keep your emotions under control by taking deep breaths and staying calm and focused. Don’t resort to immature behaviours such as shouting, name-calling, or using offensive language, as to conduct a productive argument, you’ll need to maintain a respectful tone throughout the entire discussion.

Pick your battles wisely

Not every disagreement merits a full-blown argument, so make sure you choose your battles. By reserving your energy for debating the issues that really matter and avoiding petty, time consuming niggles, you’ll be able to benefit from much higher quality debates.

Base your case on facts and evidence

Wherever possible, try and base your argument on established facts and evidence and quote credible sources that can back up your claims. Sticking to the facts will strengthen your position and develop trust, which will foster a healthier and more open discussion.

Don’t accuse, instead use “I” statements

Shy away from making accusatory statements, like “you said that” or “you don’t know what you’re talking about” and instead use “I” statements to express your point of view. If you’re navigating downtime for example, you could say, “I feel so overwhelmed when the children get noisy and I could really use a break to get some quiet time,” instead of, “You always leave me alone with the kids and when they get noisy it drives me crazy.”

Stay on conversational course

Keep on track and stick to the issue you want to discuss to avoid swerving off into another discussion. This can easily happen, especially if you’re disagreeing about the personal. Don’t be tempted to indulge in personal attacks either, instead try and keep the argument focused and productive.

Ask questions that are open-ended

You can nurture healthy dialogue by asking questions that are open-ended, i.e. ones that require more than just a straightforward “yes” or “no”.  Doing this encourages the other person to expand on their point of view, which could lead to you gaining a better understanding of their perspective.

Validate their conversation

It’s important to display empathy and you can do this by acknowledging the other person’s viewpoint, feelings and experience. When you agree with what they are saying, show this by nodding and verbally acknowledging but even if you don’t see eye to eye you can still validate your conversational partner. If you’re not completely on the same page but you still want to make them feel heard, try saying things like, “Yeah, I can see why you feel that way.

Look for common ground

Identity the areas where you are both in agreement, as doing this could make it easier to find a compromise that suits you both. This can also help to defuse an argument that is escalating, by making you both feel bonded, so you’re more inclined to work together to find an acceptable solution.

Know when it’s time to politely agree to disagree

It’s simply not possible for all arguments to end with a neat resolution or consensus. Sometimes you just won’t be able to find a compromise and instead you’ll both need to politely agree to disagree, acknowledging that you and the other person have different perspectives. As long as you can do this respectfully, it’s not necessarily a bad thing, as everyone is different.

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The journey to becoming a new parent can be a challenging one and supporting team members through this transition and ensuring a successful return, can be a rewarding part of your role as a manager. We have designed a bespoke coaching programme for Managers of Parents within RBC to ensure you are equipped with everything you need to support team members on this journey.



Chris Mitchell

Leadership Coach & Business Strategist

Antje Langsch

Personal, Professional, Executive Coach

Karishma Motiram

Working Parent Coach

Charlotte Worth

Personal & Professional Coach

Paul Bulos

Executive Leadership & Wellbeing Coach

We have a bespoke Parental Coaching programme for all RBC employees consisting of 4 1-2-1 Coaching sessions with a coach of your choice. Supporting you through your journey from preparing for your parental leave, making the most of your time away and also, setting you up for a successful return to the office.  Book an initial chemistry call with a coach ahead of beginning your tailored programme below.



Holly Roberts

Career and Transitions Coach
Catherine Serusclat 3a

Catherine Serusclat

Career and Personal Development Coach

Zuzanna Malek

Personal & Professional Coach

Antje Langsch

Personal, Professional, Executive Coach

Karishma Motiram

Working Parent Coach

Charlotte Worth

Personal & Professional Coach

Paul Bulos

Executive Leadership & Wellbeing Coach


Wellness Cloud is a leading employee benefits platform, providing remote wellbeing support to employees, with one-to-one consultations, live talks and events, as well as a library of on-demand wellbeing resources, available through the Wellness Cloud Hub and App.

We provide support for a wide range of life challenges, including: pregnancy and parenting, fertility, mental health, menopause, financial wellbeing, professional and personal coaching, nutrition, relationships, women’s health, men’s health, elderly care, sleep, bereavement and neurodiversity.

As an RBC employee, you can access an initial entitlement of 3 one-to-one sessions with a range of Wellness Cloud specialists (see “Are any categories excluded from my allowance?”). Book a Session using the Coupon Code RBCWELLNESS to reduce the normal session price to £0. Once you have used your free sessions, if you would like to request further one-to-one sessions, please fill in the anonymous request form.

Should you wish to purchase a session, you can access a 10% discount, which means each 45-minute session will cost £67.50 instead of £75. You need to use code WELLNESS10 when booking a session to obtain the discount.

All payments are made securely and your transaction will be encrypted. All information relating to payment is transferred using HTTPS with up to 256-bit encryption. Servers are verified PCI compliant and additionally your credit card information is not stored on any servers.

There are a variety of guides under our mental health category, covering anxiety, depression, relationships, bereavement and more. In addition, we run a 90-minute mental health awareness workshop, which is aimed at managers and Wellbeing champions within the business. Our Wellness Cloud app also gives access to sleep stories, guided meditation and a Pocket CBT diary, where you can personally track your own mental health.

We have a dedicated category for parents, offering advice and guidance covering a number of topics from pregnancy and new-borns to teenagers. In addition, you can join our bi-monthly 3-part antenatal course for free. Or attend any of our Baby & Toddler classes which run on a weekly basis. As an employee you can also book in a 1-2-1 consultation with any of the parenting specialists on the platform for free, simply using your booking coupon code RBCWELLNESS.

We offer consultations with personal and professional coaches, who enable their clients to move forward in their careers by unlocking their full potential.

There’s a variety of support and guidance available on Wellness Cloud specifically to men, as well as a number of male specialists that can support you with your wellbeing.  

You will find a variety of support and guidance for women’s health and wellbeing, including pregnancy and the menopause.

You will find guides on savings, pensions, investments and tips on improving your financial wellbeing within our expert resources section.  Not all of this information will be relevant to colleagues outside of the UK, so please review carefully and seek local advice where appropriate. 

Absolutely. There are written guides on the platform that you can find within the Expert Resources tab.  Not all of this information will be relevant to colleagues outside of the UK, so please review carefully and seek local advice where appropriate. 

Our online antenatal course is completely free of charge and available for you to access through the year. We run this course every other month and it’s easy to join – simply go to the Upcoming Events and Talks page on the Hub and look for the next Antenatal course.  

We run over 150 baby and toddler classes each year, which are all free of charge and available for you to access as an employee. In addition, we run virtual drop-In clinics with our breastfeeding, antenatal, and infant sleep experts for you to attend. We also regularly run Q&A sessions with our experts, please keep an eye out for these events and you can join them or watch a recording at your leisure. To access any of these simply go onto the events tab in the Hub.  

Everything is available outside of the UK and you can access any of our services, regardless of your location. We have also created some non-UK specific guides, which can be found within the HR & Manager section of our Guides page.  

Our Fertility, Pregnancy, Antenatal courses, Baby & Toddler classes are open to family members who live with you.

1-2-1 consultations are available for employees of RBC only, however where appropriate, for example, our child behaviour, sleep, nutrition or parenting 1-2-1 consultations we would understand a partner attending with you.

Manager FAQs

Wellness Cloud provides a variety of useful support and resources for HR personnel and managers, including live events, workshops, mental health training, guides, videos and more. You are also able to book one-to-one sessions with our network of professional coaches.

Under the expert resources you will find a manager and HR section which has useful guides to help with supporting employees – for example with neurodiversity or bereavement. The live event and talks are often helpful in providing some education and understanding on topics affecting your employees and Wellness Cloud runs several Manager specific events throughout the year.

There are a variety of guides under the Mental health category covering Anxiety and depression, Relationships, Bereavement and postnatal depression. There are also remote Mental Health focused trainings and workshops to help you understand your own mental health and how you can best support others. These interactive workshops run for 90 minutes, every other month and are designed for Managers and other Mental Health first aiders or Champions within the business. In addition, you can book a one-to-one session with the Mental Health First Aid trainer, if you were looking for support or advice around a particular situation and needed clarity on how best to support yourself or a colleague.

There is access to one-to-one consultations with personal and professional coaches, who enable individuals to move forward in their careers by unlocking their full potential. 

Please in the first instance contact your manager or your HR team who will help to provide guidance for you and your team.

Our qualified parenting consultants and coaches are here to help, every step of the way.

For ad-hoc 1-2-1 & group support choose from

Antenatal classes (3 x 90 minute sessions)

1-2-1 Antenatal support​

Pre Parental leave Coaching​

Postnatal support


Infant and
Child sleep


Return to work Group & Individual coaching


Lizzie Knight

Lactation & Breastfeeding Specialist and Postnatal Specialist

Louise Goncalves

Infant Sleep Consultant

Suzanne Fowler Evans

Psychotherapeutic Counsellor and Antenatal Coach

Catherine Pohl


Jane Love

Lactation & Breastfeeding Specialist

Joanna Kovacs
